New Look

Thanks to the suggestion of my first reader and commenter, I changed the look of the blog. What do you think? Is it easier to read?

Today Jim and I are taking our cat Toby to the vet. Last year he ran into a stick with one of his eyes and now has only one eye and is a totally indoor cat. But somehow he managed to cut himself under his chin and it will not heal and he will not let me clean it. I have given him Amoxicillin but it hasn't made a difference. So today our friend Katta has arranged to take us to Dr. Marta - our vet. I hope he will be okay, he gets easily freaked by new experiences.

My friend Jan, who met me in Ecuador and has known me since elementary school, has allowed me to send my new computer to her house so I can get one with an English keyboard and programs and it was delivered yesterday! Yay! Soon I will have a new computer! Thanks Jan!

Speaking of Ecuador, we had such a fun time. One morning in Banos, Stephanie wasn't feeling well so Jan and I went off to a pharmacy to get her some meds. Then we searched all over town for a baseball cap that said, 'Ecuador' and never found one. Later, Stephie felt better so we walked around and she found the one shop Jan and I missed and yes, it had a baseball cap with Ecuador on it! Amazing!

We also found a Mexican restaurant that made the best Margaritas I've in a long time! We went there daily - we were in Banos for 4 days and I had a massage every evening, three were brutal and left bruises all over my body, on our last evening I had the hot stones massage and it was gentle and felt marvelous!

Okay, so much for my ramblings. Please leave a comment so I know if I should keep writing this blog.
Thanks, Geree


  1. Hi Geree! I love photos on a blog, especially when its photos of the beach! For some reason my comment on your first post came up as anonymous. My comment was the one about making the print a little darker :) I am enjoying your blog. Please don't stop! I would love to see more and more pictures of your home town and surrounding area. It is the best way to learn about another country if you can't be there.
    Jude xoxo

  2. Hola Jude- I kinda thought it was you, my first comment! I didn't take a lot of pix while in Ecuador because my phone was out of storage and as a novice phone user I stopped taking pix. My friends Jan and Stephie took a bunch and Jan is saving her pix on my new computer which was sent to her house. So when I get the computer I will have more photos of Ecuador. Here in Chile, I also stopped taking pix when things started seeming normal and not so exotic. I will try to take more pix. The memory card on my Nikon burned out and I cannot find a replacement in town. I guess I will have to shop online for a new one.

    But, you can visit Chile and Ecuador. I would love to go back to Ecuador again and you and Roy can join me, or visit us in Chile.

    Today we have shopping to do before we have a Spanish/English lesson with some neighbors at 4:00. I was hoping to do some work on the treatment I am writing of the novel to send to movie studios (Jim's idea). But I have other projects on hold as well, sigh, so much fun and so little time!

    Thanks for reading the blog and thanks for the comments! Love, Geree


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